Privacy Policy

ITNOG GmbH- Industrial Technology Novation of Germany

This Website Data Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time (the Privacy Policy) is dated and effective as of 20 December 2022 (the Effective Date).

A. Introduction

ITNOG GmbH – Industrial Technology Novation of Germany (hereinafter referred to as “ITNOG”, “We” or “Our” for short) are committed to protecting and respecting your data. In this Website Data Policy, you may be a visitor to the website including any of its subsites (the Website) or a user of one or more of our services, platforms, social media, forums, or otherwise made available by us to you in connection with any of our instruments or on a stand-alone basis (our Services).

As a company specializing in providing professional, value-added, and cost-effective industrial services, we take the protection of your personal data seriously. For this reason, we would like to provide you with detailed information about the types of personal data we collect and process in connection with your use of the Website or any of our Services, to whom this personal data is transferred, and the rights you have in connection with the processing of this personal data. As an internationally oriented company based in Germany, we adhere to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal and non-personal data and how we will treat it. You are not required to provide the personal information that we have requested, but, if you chose not to do so, in many cases we will not be able to provide you with our Services or respond to any queries you may have.

B. General Information

1. Applicability and Scope

1.1. This Website Data Policy together with any other terms provided by us applies to your use of the Website or our Services unless a separate policy or legal document applies to a particular Service, in which case that policy or legal document applies.

1.2. This Website Data Policy describes and sets out the basis for the collection, use, disclosure, storage retention, and protection of the personal data you provide to us while using any of the Services, and applies to all personal data we collect through your use of the Website or our Services. We do not endorse, nor do we have an influence on the content or policies of third-party services and therefore cannot assume any responsibility for them.

1.3. Before you disclose to us any personal data of another person (including employees and contractors) you must obtain that person’s consent to both the disclosure and the processing of that personal data in accordance with this Website Data Policy.

2. Responsibilities

2.1. ITNOG adopts industry-recognized personal data protection approaches and practices. In the GDPR-applicable business scenarios, ITNOG has introduced the Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) approach to evaluate and mitigate the security risks of personal data in products and services.

2.2. We are committed to ensuring that your privacy and personal data are protected and that your personal data is only used in accordance with this Website’s Data Policy. For any inquiries regarding our use of your personal data, you can contact us as follows:

3. Purposes of Use and Legal Basis for Processing

We only process your personal data if this is necessary to provide a functional Website and to provide our Services. The processing of your personal data is only carried out on the following legal bases and purposes:

  • Processing on the basis of your consent to the processing of your personal data (art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR);
  • Perform our contractual obligations towards you, manage, administer, analyze, enable and improve usage of our Services and enhance their stability;
  • Help us create, develop, operate, deliver, and improve our products, Services, content, and advertising, and for loss prevention and anti-fraud purposes;
  • For internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis, and research to improve our products, services, and customer communications;
  • Processing for the performance of a contract to which you are party or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract (art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR); or
  • Processing for the purpose of legitimate interests pursued by us or third parties (art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR).
C. Individual Processing Activities Related to the Use of the Website

1. Provisions of the Website and Creation of Logfiles

1.1. Every time you visit our Website, our system automatically collects data and information from the computer system of the calling computer that may qualify as personal data under the GDPR. The following data may be collected:

  • Type of device that is used for access, including a unique device identifier;
  • Browser type and version;
  • Operating system;
  • Internet Service Provider;
  • IP address;
  • Date and time of access;
  • Websites from which your system reaches our Website;
  • Websites accessed by your system via our Website;

The data may be also temporarily stored in the log files of our system but is not stored together with other personal data concerning you.

1.2. The temporary storage of your IP address by the system is necessary to enable the Website to be delivered to your computer. For this the IP address must remain stored for the duration of the session. The remaining data that as mentioned above serves us to optimize the website and to ensure the security of our information technology systems. The data is not evaluated for marketing purposes in this context. Since we have a legitimate interest in providing a functional website to you, Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR serves as the legal basis for processing your personal data.

1.3. Your personal data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. In the case of the collection of data for the provision of the website, the data will be deleted when the respective session has ended. If personal data is stored in log files, it will be deleted after seven days.

1.4. The collection of personal data for the provision of the Website and the storage of personal data in log files is necessary for the operation of the Website. Consequently, there is no possibility of objection.

2. Subscription to Newsletter

2.1. On our Website you have the possibility to subscribe to a free newsletter. Our newsletter primarily contains information about our products and promotions, such as competitions or discount campaigns, as well as evaluation requests.

2.2. When registering for the newsletter, the following personal data from the input mask will be transmitted to us:

  • Email address
  • First name and last name
  • Company name

2.3. The collection of your e-mail address is required to deliver the newsletter. The remaining personal data is collected in order to personalize the newsletter and prevent misuse of the services or the email address that is used. The personal data will be used exclusively for sending the newsletter and will be stored for as long as the newsletter subscription is active.

2.4. For the processing of your personal data, your consent will be obtained during the registration process in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR and reference will be made to this data protection declaration. The consent is based on a double opt-in procedure. This means that after registration you will receive an email asking you to confirm your registration. This confirmation is necessary to ensure that nobody registers with a third-party e-mail address. The registrations for the newsletter are logged to prove the registration process according to legal requirements. This includes the storage of the time of registration and confirmation as well as the IP address used by your system.

2.5. The subscription to our newsletter can be canceled at any time by using the link in our newsletter. When you cancel your subscription, your consent to the processing of your personal data as described in this clause is automatically revoked.

3. Communication by Email or Contact Form

3.1. The contact form on our Website can be used for electronic contact. If you use the contact form, the following personal data will be transmitted to us:

  • First name and last name
  • Company name
  • E-mail address
  • IP address

3.2. The collection of your e-mail address allows us to contact you to process your contact request. The remaining personal data is collected to prevent misuse of the contact form. As an alternative to using the contact form, it is also possible to contact us via the e-mail address In this case, in addition to your e-mail address, all personal data transmitted with the e-mail will be processed and stored. The data transmitted to us is used exclusively for processing your contact. The data will not be passed on to third parties or automatically registered for our newsletter.

3.3. If you contact us via the contact form or by email, we may keep a record of that correspondence. The personal data transmitted to us from the input mask and by email is deleted as soon as the data is no longer required for the purpose of collection. This is the case after ten (10) years at the latest unless we are legally and contractually bound by longer storage obligations.

4. Events

If you register for an event or training course provided by us, we may share basic participant information (typically your name, company, and email address) with other participants of the same event or training course for the purpose of communication and the exchange of ideas with your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

5. Job Application

If you apply for a job (e.g via our Website or social media), we may require you to submit additional personal information as well as a resume or curriculum vitae, certificates, and other information. We encourage you to limit the personal data to the information necessary to enable us to evaluate your suitability for the position you are applying for. Personal data relating to job applications will be deleted as soon as the data is no longer required for the purpose of collection or no legal basis exists.

6. Cookies

If you use our Websites, we may use various website navigation information including tracking technologies such as cookies and web beacons to collect and store information from you, according to the Cookie Declaration on our Website. To learn more about it, please visit

D.  Individual Processing Activities Related to the Use of some Services

1. Creation of ITNOG

1.1. To get access to and make use of some of our Services, you are required to register and create a user account. To create a user account, you will be asked to provide us with the following personal data (Account Information) relating to you:

  • Email address
  • Username
  • Personal password

1.2. The collection and processing of account data is carried out with the purpose of identifying you as the unique holder of the account and the ITNOG, enables features, prevent fraud, perform customer support, and to ensure that your personal data can only be viewed by you. To further enhance your security and the integrity of your personal data, we expressly reserve the right to collect additional reregistration information.

1.3. Since the collection of the personal data described here is necessary to fulfill our contractual obligations, the processing is based on Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR.

2. Use of Account Information for Marketing Purposes

We may use the Account Information that is collected as described above to send you non-marketing commercial communications as well as marketing communications relating to our business or the businesses of carefully selected third parties which we think may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive any marketing information, you can unsubscribe from this service at any time.

3. Collection of Device and Location Information

3.1. Each time you use certain of our Services and/or you log in with your ITNOG, we may automatically collect the following personal data about you and your device which may be linked to your Account Information in order to enable the use of such Services:

  • Technical information, including the type of device you use, a unique device identifier, your ITNOG, network information, your operating system, the type of browser you use, time zone setting, etc.;
  • Information stored in certain of our Services or on your device, including without limitation, measurement and signal-related information, functions you use, type of measurement signals and displayed results, pictures, videos, notes, voice notes, chats, photos, videos, comments, audio attachments, processed data, generated reports, uploaded information, and time and geographic location of when you accessed to our Services;
  • Information obtained using inertial measurement technologies, visual computing tools, wireless networking signals (e.g. Wi-Fi), beacons, or other technologies and tools required for the use of some of our Services;
  • Details of your use of and interaction with any of our Services which may include, but is not limited to, traffic data, location data, and any crash data and logs, weblogs, and other communication data, whether this is required for our own purposes or otherwise and the resources that you access or usage trends.

3.2. We may also use a positioning technology system to determine your current location when accessing to or using any of our Services to enable the association of your location with certain of our Services’ features and consequently use thereof. Some of our location-enabled Services require your personal data for the feature to work and may be linked to your Account Information, in particular your ITNOG. If you wish to use the particular feature, you will be asked to consent to your data being used for this purpose. You can withdraw your consent at any time by uninstalling our respective Service.

4. Non-Personal Data Ownership and Liability

4.1. When you use our Services, we may collect data in a form that does not, on its own, permit direct association with any specific individual. We may collect, use, transfer, and disclose non-personal data for any purpose. You retain the property rights in and to the data processed by us, uploaded, transmitted, stored, or located in or provided to us by you while using or arising out of your use of our Services. You hereby grant us an irrevocable, perpetual, and unconditional right to use, reproduce, distribute, or prepare derivative works based on any such non-personal data, in an anonymized way. You hereby agree that we shall keep at all times any and all right, title, and interest in and to any such derivative works.

4.2. You shall be at all times fully responsible for all the data and content collected through, uploaded into, stored in, or transmitted by means of our Services either by yourself or any third party using or with access to our Services, lawfully or unlawfully, based on your agreement with us.

E.  Miscellaneous

1. Security

1.1. You acknowledge that the transmission of information over the Internet is inherently insecure, and we cannot guarantee the security of data sent over the internet.

1.2. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password that enables you to access certain parts of our Services, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential.

1.3. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to Services; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access, according to the Security section.

1.4. If you believe your account has been abused, please contact us immediately following the instructions in the Contact section below.

1.5. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Website’s Policy Privacy.

2. Do Not Track Signals

Unless otherwise stated herein, we do not track our Website users over time or across third-party websites to provide targeted advertising and therefore do not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals.

3. Update This Policy

This Website Data Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason at our sole discretion. We will notify you of any changes to our Website Data Policy by posting the new Website Data Policy on our Website and informing you when you next start using or logging on to one of the Services. You are advised to consult our Website Data Policy regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes. The new terms may be displayed on-screen and you may be required to read and accept them to continue your use of certain of the Services.